Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Emma asks me all the time, "Why did you have to name me Emma?" I give her the usual answers:
-you were named after your great-great grandma Emma...
-your dad and I liked the name...
-JUST BECAUSE, Dang it, its your name and you cant change it!

Anyways, the other night we are driving home and Emma starts in about her name again. Only this time she is ready, she says "From now on I will only answer to Courtney" I say, "I'm sorry Emma, you CANNOT change your name" which leads to "yes I can and call me COURTNEY!" I try to explain that it takes more than answering to another name and writing your new name on school papers to change a name. She just doesn't get it!

So the next day, I posted something on facebook about Emma/Courtney. Her teacher sees this and comes up with a plan to ask her about it in class. After school she comes up to me and tells me that she tried to call on someone named Courtney. Emma pipes up and says, "There is someone in High School named Courtney but no one in this class, Mrs. Rusk" So Emily, seeing that Emma wasn't going to fall into a trap that way, asks her later what name she would pick if she could change her name. Emma at first is confused, "What do you mean". Emily tries again, "If you could pick one name that you wanted to change your name to, what would you pick?"

Emma says, "Courtney!" So Emily asks her why. Emma's answer...

"I get so bored being Emma...Courtney would never be bored!"

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