Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Pictures from this weekend. They are always so happy to see each other!

Cassidy and Addyson. They are 5 months apart and actually play really well together. I was a little nervous because Cassidy has never actually played with anyone close to her age.

Baby Claire. We got to see her for the first time! Isn't she squeezable!

Cassidy loved Claire. And amazingly enough she was relatively gentle!

She would put the pacifier in, and then take it out...in and then out...Poor Claire was losing patience fast! Isn't Boog cute with her though?

An updated picture of the big kids on the tractor. It's tradition!

All the kids

Another group picture. In order of age, Sydney, Emma, Peyton, Addyson, Cassidy, and Claire.


Cassidy and Addy destroying flowers.

Just think, next year this picture will be a little bigger. So exciting!

Good bye kisses...

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