Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Home Runs and Dog Pregnancies

Emma had a t-ball game yesterday. I always ask her if she is going to hit a home run, and of course, she always says yes. (We do this because Emma has to mentally prepare for everything and its easier if I start psyching her up ahead of time, then by the time we need to leave she's finally ready to go out the door) Anyways, so Emma always says she is going to hit a home run. She usually get at least one hit off of a pitch rather than the tee but yesterday...She crushed it! She had to use the tee the first inning and the second inning, second pitch and it flew over the pitchers head (coach). And she is a tall lady, much taller than me! Emma was very proud! AND she was the last batter so she got to run all the way around the bases....like a HOME RUN! I tell you what, it doesn't get much better than that.

The first inning, when Emma was up to bat, I hollered a reminder to keep her bat up. She has a tendency to let it fall down on her shoulder and then when she swings, she has to pick it up and then swing. When she keeps it up, it makes for a faster and more fluid swing...anyways, She looks over at me and nods....Then she keeps looking...So I holler "watch the ball, Emma"...She nods and...keeps looking at us on the bleachers...So again, "Watch the ball, Emma"...and she nods and keeps looking...Finally, "EMMA, LOOK AT YOUR COACH!"... Oh, she says and proceeds to pay attention! My child some days...!

Later, when we got home, Emma was outside playing and all of a sudden, she runs inside and says (in her 'I'm a thirteen year old', very important, bouncy cheerleader voice) , "Mom, you have GOT to see this! Sassy has BOOBS! She's going to have puppies!" To which I reply, "What, Nuhhuh!" Emma says "Yes, HUH! I think shes PREGNANT!" So off we go outside, Emma grabs her and flips her over like shes gonna hog tie her and points at her belly, "SEE MOM, BOOBS" "Emma," I say, "Everything has boobs!" Just because you can see them doesn't mean she is PREGNANT!"

Oh man, sometimes I don't even want to begin trying to understand the way that girl thinks.

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