Here she is sitting pretty.
Cassidy waiting on the carousel to finish. I thought this picture was cute.
Unfortunately it was so packed. I never would have thought that on a Monday. We looked at a couple exhibits and then headed back to Tiff's for some Mickey D's. We hung out for a little while and then headed home. Emma has been wanting to see the Arch for a long time and Cindy told her we could go see it. The wait to go up inside it was almost 2 hours so we just walked around in the museum and outside. I actually loved the museum, (Ellen...Natalie...I feel a field trip coming on!) and it was free!
Here is Emma standing on a wall with the arch in the background.
Friday night, before we left for the river, Myles and I fed and watered the horses. All 5 of them...we came home to 4! Jonathan called us Saturday morning and told us Sugar was dead in the pasture. I told Emma, Myles didnt really want me to tell her right then but I thought she needed to know. After all, she knows animals die, that and I wanted her to get used to the idea. Heather had just put mascara on her and she ended up with black streaks running down her face. It was so sad!
She really did love Sugar, even though she only had her for about a year. She considered it "her horse" long before Sugar ever came home. You can tell in the pictures how much she loved her, and how proud she was of her.
Look! 3 baby dolls!
Fighting with each other, like always, at the Farm Show in Louisville, KY. Like it or not, these girls are gonna be best friends!
She said it was a "100% improvement!" Gee thanks, that makes me feel so good!
And because wearing it curly takes SO much less time now, here it is curly.
And can I just say, I have a crooked mouth, eye, something! I know Ellen will agree!
This picture is of her in the car on the way home from her eye docter. Doesn't she look excited?
And when I was taking Emma's picture, I hear "Chheeeessssseee" from the backseat, so I took this picture too! Isn't she cute here!
Poor Boog has such a bad reaction to bug bites! They usually get HUGE and ooze for a couple of days. This was taken friday morning. She had two bites that were actually on her temple but swelled her eye. She got the bites on weds night and she actually had a hard time opening her eye when she woke up on friday.
Cassidy is becoming just about as chipper in the mornings as Emma is, Can't you tell in this picture! Thats just what I need, two grouchy kids in the mornings!