Friday, July 31, 2009

Sweet lil' one-owner

The shop bought a new piece of junk. You know, because thats how we operate! AND...its already been lengthened to enable it to pick up more than its supposed to! You know...yeah I dont have to say it again do I? As Balogna said, "Its a sweet little one owner." Nuff said!
Here it is, a massive machine! It sounds like a demo car. (and smokes like one too)
Cassidy absolutely loves riding on it. Papa took her for a ride and she had a smile on her face the whole time!

Now she thinks its her new toy!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Grace Brown

Emma went to VBS with Rayne the other night. When I picked her up she was telling me all about it and she mentioned that she wore two name tags. I asked her why she had two... She said,

"They asked me what my name was and I told them that they call me Grace when I fall down. So they made me a nametag with Grace on it, and then later Rayne was calling me Emma, so they made me an Emma nametag."

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Party Girl

Sunday was Kenzie's Birthday Party.

Here she is sitting pretty.

Opening her present (from me). She loved the baby doll and stroller, she didnt have much interest in any thing else after that.

Eating her cake

Ellen bought Kenzie a sprinkler mat toy, It was pretty chilly to play with that day though! Cassidy didnt care...she loved the water! I LOVE this picture.

St Louis Trip

Emma had her regular cleaning at the dentist yesterday. I take her to a pediatric dentist in St. Louis because a regular dentist wont fill her cavities if she has them. And she did...2 of them in 2 different areas of her mouth, so now I have to go back twice to get them filled. Her dentist' office is amazing. The walls are one huge ocean mural. There is an octupus and starfish, Sharks and all kinds of other ocean life painted on the walls. There is a sunken treasure ship painted on the wall with a real ship's steering wheel (what are those things called?) coming out of the wall. A huge saltwater fish tank with "Nemo" and other tropical fish in it. Playstation game areas hanging on the wall. There is a treasure chest that the kids get to picked a prize out of after their appointment. It is really awesome! Too bad its so far...

Cindy drove us out there, because I HATE city driving and traffic! And she was nice enough to take us to the zoo! We went to Tiffany's and then to the zoo. I had never been to the St. Louis Zoo so I was probably just as excited as Emma!

Everyone in front of the grizzly bears. Emma thought that was awesome when he raised up on his back legs and waved his front paws around. Of course, in this picture she didnt like anything!

Emma on the carousel (in orange). She picked the ostrich to ride. All those cool animals and she picks an ostrich! Anyways, before it was over, she was riding side saddle, "like a princess"! You can see Sydney behind the girl on the cheetah, she was looking the other direction though.

Cassidy waiting on the carousel to finish. I thought this picture was cute.

Unfortunately it was so packed. I never would have thought that on a Monday. We looked at a couple exhibits and then headed back to Tiff's for some Mickey D's. We hung out for a little while and then headed home. Emma has been wanting to see the Arch for a long time and Cindy told her we could go see it. The wait to go up inside it was almost 2 hours so we just walked around in the museum and outside. I actually loved the museum, (Ellen...Natalie...I feel a field trip coming on!) and it was free!

Here is Emma standing on a wall with the arch in the background.

SUGAR 1980-2009

Friday night, before we left for the river, Myles and I fed and watered the horses. All 5 of them...we came home to 4! Jonathan called us Saturday morning and told us Sugar was dead in the pasture. I told Emma, Myles didnt really want me to tell her right then but I thought she needed to know. After all, she knows animals die, that and I wanted her to get used to the idea. Heather had just put mascara on her and she ended up with black streaks running down her face. It was so sad!

She really did love Sugar, even though she only had her for about a year. She considered it "her horse" long before Sugar ever came home. You can tell in the pictures how much she loved her, and how proud she was of her.

She was 29 years old. It was probably her time to go.

She had been acting strange for the past couple of weeks. I had to almost force her to eat grain! And Sugar has always been all about the grain! She would stand in the back corner of the pasture by herself, she wouldnt come around the other horses, and she wouldnt even graze, she would just hang her head.

Sunday when we came home, I took Kaden and Emma out to see her grave. They took some sticks and were going to poke in the dirt to "mark her grave". Kaden stuck his stick in and then dropped it like a hot potato! He turned around to me with HUGE eyes and said...
"I think I hit her leg!"

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Happy Birthday...Already?!

Happy Birthday, Kenzie!
(you beautiful thing you!)

I cant hardly believe that this little munchkin is ONE today! It doesnt seem possible! I mean, I'm pretty sure it was just yesterday she was born.

Look! 3 baby dolls!


Fighting with each other, like always, at the Farm Show in Louisville, KY. Like it or not, these girls are gonna be best friends!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Hair it is!

As you all know, I do NOTHING with my hair! Its not that I'm emotionally attached to it. It's more like I'm detached from it. I just wash it, put it up, go to bed, and the next morning I start all over. Everyone is always telling me I should wear it down, yada yada! It had really gotten long, like middle of my back long so it took FOREVER to fix where it would look decent! Well, Chasity and I took a trip to Effingham on Friday, and seeing as to how her daughter thinks that since I never fix my hair or makeup, then she doesnt either. We decided to get our hair cut, after all I guess I'm going to have to be a better example of feminity! We went to a couple of places, and finally went to Keracutz, where they had walkin appointments available. I am so glad we got in there, the girl that cut mine did a great job! I gave her general ideas of length and layers and she did the rest! I think she was afraid I was going to freak out about cutting that much off. She kept saying, "you know, thats a lot of hair, dont you?!" Anyways, I highly recommend Keracutz to anyone! I think I will drive back up there for another haircut someday! (*and its right down the road from Arby's, can't go wrong there!)

So here is a picture of my hair straight, after she cut it.

She said it was a "100% improvement!" Gee thanks, that makes me feel so good!

And because wearing it curly takes SO much less time now, here it is curly.

And can I just say, I have a crooked mouth, eye, something! I know Ellen will agree!


Here are the pictures of Emma's glasses as promised. Emma is always telling everyone, "don't you think I look 7 or 10?"

This picture is of her in the car on the way home from her eye docter. Doesn't she look excited?

And when I was taking Emma's picture, I hear "Chheeeessssseee" from the backseat, so I took this picture too! Isn't she cute here!


Poor Boog has such a bad reaction to bug bites! They usually get HUGE and ooze for a couple of days. This was taken friday morning. She had two bites that were actually on her temple but swelled her eye. She got the bites on weds night and she actually had a hard time opening her eye when she woke up on friday.

Cassidy is becoming just about as chipper in the mornings as Emma is, Can't you tell in this picture! Thats just what I need, two grouchy kids in the mornings!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Its that time again!

Happy Birthday toooo youuuuu...

Erin Robinson
Ellen Fryburger
and any one else out there with a birthday today!

I have a really hard time being in a good mood on my birthday! Not sure why, the age factor doesnt really depress me. I still feel really young compared to everyone else I hang out with. At least Myles remembered today, one less mark on his list. I had forgetten until he told me this morning!

I guess I just feel like its just another long day! I think once you have kids, its easier to just pretend like they are the only ones with birthdays.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My following...

I just wondered if I have a following? Anybody read this thing? Leave me a comment and let me know you are there!

C'mon now, its not that hard!

Just a little hello!


Four Eyes

I took Emma to the eye dr. yesterday. She has been getting headaches more than (I think) a little kid should get them. So they did a routine check, She did really good at first. She wasnt scared, but she began to get bored very quickly. He kept asking her if one or the other was better and she would just start reading the line. This one?...A O E N F...or This one? A O... No, just tell me if its better or not! I told him that at least not ALL of his patients are 5 years old! Luckily they have a machine that reads the eye and tells the prescription.

Turns out she is a little far sighted. He said that it wasnt too bad but it was bad enough that she would have to strain her eyes to focus. And *DING DING DING* that would cause headaches! She also has a slight astigmatism in one eye. He mentioned that her eyes could correct in couple years or she could become near sighted, but they would change.

I wish I would have taken her picture trying on the glasses, she looks so cute in them. She was very excited to get glasses. They didnt have anything to choose from that was even remotely girly other than Purple it is! We should have them within a week. I'll post a picture of her then.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Ellen's Horses (well, some of them)

Hulllooooo There Friend!

This is Sparky (which I think is SUCH an odd name for a hoss). He wants his picture to be taken very badly! In fact, he was posing quite nicely until ol' Lenroy (I think that is which one it is, Emma told me) stuck his arse in the way. Lenroy would step in front of Sparky every time I tried to take his picture. And really...Sparky just wants some love tooooo (that and a nice set of beard trimmers)

Ahhh yes....this is my good side!

Sugar Rush!

Here is a picture of Emma and Rayne at the fair. If you notice they couldn't even sit still long enough to take a decent picture. And Kaden...? He was a few rows up bouncing around, he couldnt be bothered with a picture! Now, we have hyper kids but last night at the fair, they were just plain NUTS. I mean we tried getting them stuff to eat, so that they would sit still, drinks because they were hot and thirsty from running around!
After a lot of eye-rolling and hollering and wondering what in the heck was the deal....Ellen, genius that she is, realizes...We have just fed our normally active children cotten candy, mt. dew and funnel cakes and then told them to sit down and shut up! HA, No wonder they were crazy.
I give us 5 stars as parents!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Gearing up

Well, its official. Myles and I bought a camper. It needs some TLC...and soap. Myles thinks we can have EVERYTHING ready to go by tonight....

Yeah anyways, that's probably not going to happen. I've got half of it cleaned and Myles and his dad put a new floor in under the couch (it was falling through the bottom of the camper, not good) Myles said he would go "clean" the rest of it while I was packing our stuff, or he could pack while I clean. Not sure which is scarier. Myles "getting all of the dirt, bugs, spiderwebs, miscellaneous crap" while he cleans, or him packing the appropriate items for Me, Him, Emma, and Cassidy for 3 days... I'm not really confident in either situation. But hey, its the thought that counts. I'm going to take some bleach, and pine sol, with me this weekend, that way maybe we can clean while we have spare time. I guess this way I can catch all of the spots he missed.

Anywhoo, I'm married to Mr. Right Now, so I'm sure the camper will end up at the river tomorrow.

I was thinking, It's no wonder some of our stuff looks the way it does...Mr. Right Now is married to the daughter of the King of Nigger Rigging....that must make me, Mrs. Half-Ass and Get It Over With!

Hey, at least I have a title!