Thursday, July 2, 2009

Gearing up

Well, its official. Myles and I bought a camper. It needs some TLC...and soap. Myles thinks we can have EVERYTHING ready to go by tonight....

Yeah anyways, that's probably not going to happen. I've got half of it cleaned and Myles and his dad put a new floor in under the couch (it was falling through the bottom of the camper, not good) Myles said he would go "clean" the rest of it while I was packing our stuff, or he could pack while I clean. Not sure which is scarier. Myles "getting all of the dirt, bugs, spiderwebs, miscellaneous crap" while he cleans, or him packing the appropriate items for Me, Him, Emma, and Cassidy for 3 days... I'm not really confident in either situation. But hey, its the thought that counts. I'm going to take some bleach, and pine sol, with me this weekend, that way maybe we can clean while we have spare time. I guess this way I can catch all of the spots he missed.

Anywhoo, I'm married to Mr. Right Now, so I'm sure the camper will end up at the river tomorrow.

I was thinking, It's no wonder some of our stuff looks the way it does...Mr. Right Now is married to the daughter of the King of Nigger Rigging....that must make me, Mrs. Half-Ass and Get It Over With!

Hey, at least I have a title!

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