Tuesday, July 28, 2009

SUGAR 1980-2009

Friday night, before we left for the river, Myles and I fed and watered the horses. All 5 of them...we came home to 4! Jonathan called us Saturday morning and told us Sugar was dead in the pasture. I told Emma, Myles didnt really want me to tell her right then but I thought she needed to know. After all, she knows animals die, that and I wanted her to get used to the idea. Heather had just put mascara on her and she ended up with black streaks running down her face. It was so sad!

She really did love Sugar, even though she only had her for about a year. She considered it "her horse" long before Sugar ever came home. You can tell in the pictures how much she loved her, and how proud she was of her.

She was 29 years old. It was probably her time to go.

She had been acting strange for the past couple of weeks. I had to almost force her to eat grain! And Sugar has always been all about the grain! She would stand in the back corner of the pasture by herself, she wouldnt come around the other horses, and she wouldnt even graze, she would just hang her head.

Sunday when we came home, I took Kaden and Emma out to see her grave. They took some sticks and were going to poke in the dirt to "mark her grave". Kaden stuck his stick in and then dropped it like a hot potato! He turned around to me with HUGE eyes and said...
"I think I hit her leg!"

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