Friday, July 10, 2009

Sugar Rush!

Here is a picture of Emma and Rayne at the fair. If you notice they couldn't even sit still long enough to take a decent picture. And Kaden...? He was a few rows up bouncing around, he couldnt be bothered with a picture! Now, we have hyper kids but last night at the fair, they were just plain NUTS. I mean we tried getting them stuff to eat, so that they would sit still, drinks because they were hot and thirsty from running around!
After a lot of eye-rolling and hollering and wondering what in the heck was the deal....Ellen, genius that she is, realizes...We have just fed our normally active children cotten candy, mt. dew and funnel cakes and then told them to sit down and shut up! HA, No wonder they were crazy.
I give us 5 stars as parents!

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