Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Four Eyes

I took Emma to the eye dr. yesterday. She has been getting headaches more than (I think) a little kid should get them. So they did a routine check, She did really good at first. She wasnt scared, but she began to get bored very quickly. He kept asking her if one or the other was better and she would just start reading the line. This one?...A O E N F...or This one? A O... No, just tell me if its better or not! I told him that at least not ALL of his patients are 5 years old! Luckily they have a machine that reads the eye and tells the prescription.

Turns out she is a little far sighted. He said that it wasnt too bad but it was bad enough that she would have to strain her eyes to focus. And *DING DING DING* that would cause headaches! She also has a slight astigmatism in one eye. He mentioned that her eyes could correct in couple years or she could become near sighted, but they would change.

I wish I would have taken her picture trying on the glasses, she looks so cute in them. She was very excited to get glasses. They didnt have anything to choose from that was even remotely girly other than purple...so Purple it is! We should have them within a week. I'll post a picture of her then.

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