Wednesday, September 30, 2009

25 revelations about myself

5. I find that when I try to psychoanalyze myself I get really depressed!

Try it sometime, you'll see what I mean. Trust me. Make a list...Then throw it away for the above reason and repeat after me...

"I am cool"
"There is nothing wrong with me"
"I am cool"

Well you get the point...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dukes of Hazzard

*Funny story about Emma*

Emma LOVES the new Dukes of Hazzard movie, and in all honesty she probably shouldnt! She can pretty much recite the whole thing, innuendos and all. Anywhoo, the other day it was on TV (edited for TV version). I figured she would be really excited about it, however when I asked her, She says, "It wasnt the same! I didnt like it because Uncle Jesse didnt eat an apple at the barbeque in the end!"

If you have ever seen it, you would know why Uncle Jesse got the apple edited out for TV.

25 revelations about myself

4. Because of #3, I am completely incapable of arguing because I argue with myself and carry on the conversations in my head that I would have with the other person and by the time I go to tell them anything I am no longer upset. Or if it is something that I can get over in a few minutes then it isn’t worth the time to get upset about it.

(Besides, who really actually enjoys being mad!)

Night ? Prognosis: Stuck at 3/4

We are slowly improving. I have stuck with making her sleep with Emma, rather than just throwing her in our bed. Last night, Myles put her to bed (shockingly enough) and he said that she did great. I was shocked because it only took about 10 minutes. I guess she knows I'm a sucker!

The waking up part is getting better too. She comes in our room at around 3:30. She doesnt cry now, she just walks down the hall, comes up to my bed and says, "mom, mom, mom, MOM" until I wake up.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Flatland Jam 2009

Ellen and I went to the Flatland Jam this Saturday night. It was...____________(amazing, awesome, unbelievable, a blast). You pick, there are no wrong answers.

Jason Boland and the Stragglers

Luke Bryan. He was amazing!

Matt Poss and Phil Pritchett. Need I say more...Its never bad!

Pat Green. ehh...Not the reason I went and not the reason I stayed! Just not a fan.

Woody in the Morning...the reason we stayed. :) Nah, but he is a cool guy!

A little disappointing that Matt Poss canceled, but at least we got to see him a little. Even if it was only a few songs. Glad we didnt go home when we got the news...:) Luke Bryan was definetely worth sticking around for. Jason Boland wasnt too bad, didnt get to see much of his show. Phil Pritchett, JW and Stu were just as good the second time as they were the first time I seen them. Love 'em. Pat Green...not so much!

All in all, the best time I've had in a LONG time!

25 revelations about myself

3. When I was a teenager my mother found my writings and used it against me and now I have a major fear of people discovering my true feelings about anything.

And because she is just so dang cute, here are a few new pics of Cassidy.

Doing some serious "cheeezzzze"ing in the bathtub!

She thought it was hilarious that she locked herself in the dog pen.

Friday, September 25, 2009

25 revelations about myself

Today's Revelation:

2. I used to love to write (poems, stories, personal journals). I miss that I can’t do that anymore because it was a huge stress reliever and helped me understand my thoughts and feelings. That and I used to be pretty good at it...

(compared to the babble I spew on here occasionally)

Night 4 Prognosis: stuck at 3/4.

Last night was uneventful, thankfully. Good news is that it only took her about 30 minutes to go to sleep. Slept until about 3:30 and came and got in bed with us. There are 2 main issues that I hope we can correct with time.

1. Sleeping through the night. I dont know how she can sleep all night in my bed but has to get up when she is somewhere else.

2. You know how dogs circle 3 times before they lay down...then get up and circle 3 more? That's Cassidy. One of these days maybe she will lay down on a pillow and lay there until she is asleep!

Here is a classic example:

Thursday, September 24, 2009

25 revelations about myself

I was tagged one time, I think on Myspace, to come up with 25 things about myself. I found the list saved to my computer and have decided to reveal them one a day.

Today's Revelation:

1. I have a really hard time thinking of relevant personal things about myself. I do not like people to know anything about me, I hate to air the dirty laundry, so to speak.

Prinzel Thief

Yesterday when I went to pick up Emma from school, She walked out with dirty streaks down her face and a sad look. I asked her what was wrong and she just buried her head in my leg and started crying. I asked her teacher what was going on and she said that Emma had something to tell me. Of course, by this time, Emma was crying too hard to talk. So she tells me that when she passed out snacks, everyone got two pretzel sticks. The little girl Emma sits with raised her hand and said that she only got one. So her teacher asks Emma, "Emma did you take her pretzel?...." And Emma starts crying. She said that she didnt get in too big of trouble but that she wanted Emma to tell me because she knew that she wouldnt do it again if she had to.

So on the way home, Emma is trying tell me that it was an accident. Even though the pretzel wasnt on her side, it just somehow got mixed up with Emma's...(?) So finally after we had the talk about lying and stealing, I asked her what she was NOT going to do tomorrow or ever again. Emma says after a moment, "well....I'm sure not going to steal any more prinzel's!"

Night 3 Prognosis: I have no idea!

I really thought that last night would be easy. I really did, I now know that I shouldn't have! Last night, Cassidy was back to wanting to wanting me to lay down. (yes, I know she can't tell me that she wants me to, but when she pats my face until I look at her and then pushes on my shoulder until I am flat on my back...Well, I get the point!) Yada yada yada...It took about an hour for her to go to sleep again last night, but it felt a lot longer!

So what am I to do with myself but take a shower, start the dishwasher, do some laundry, read a book, go check on the girls about 20 times, stay up too late...

I am just drifting off to sleep at about 11:30 when here comes Cassidy. Since it was still "early" I took her back to Emma's bed and laid her down again. All the while trying not to go to sleep myself. At 1:30, I wake up (that didn't work did it) and go back to my bed. At 3:30 here comes Cassidy again. At 4:30 here comes Emma, telling me to scoot over. At 5:30 I realize that Emma has cuddled up right next to my back and.....PEED! She doesnt do this very often, but then again I usually make her go if she wakes up to get in my bed...Last night I was brain dead, I guess. So I get up and change my clothes, and Emma's. Strip the sheets off half of the bed and put a towel down to keep the sheets from rolling up all the way over to Myles' side (Where Cassidy was now sleeping). Emma and I go lay down in her room for awhile because ITS ALMOST TIME TO GET UP! (wahhh!) I crawl out of bed at 6:15 after listening to my alarm in my ear for 15 minutes. Only because Myles called me from the other room (?!?!?!?! I have no idea why he wouldn't just yell or get up or something) and told me to get up!

Anywhoo....I'm going to say it didnt go all that great, but I'm just too dang tired to give you a fraction!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Night 2 Prognosis: 3/4 Good.

Well last night we moved the bed. Cassidy didnt want to lay down, she kept wanting to sit up and play. If I would leave the room, she would get down and follow me or start playing with the dress up clothes and baby dolls. Finally after about an hour she laid down and went to sleep. It is so weird to me to be in the house with both kids asleep! For 17 months, Cassidy has went to bed when I did. I dont know what to do with myself...I am afraid to breathe in case I wake them up!

Anyways, last night or I should say, this morning, I heard crying at about 4am. I looked down the hall and here comes Cassidy wondering down the hall crying. She looks in the room...dining room... Finally I said her name and she came running! She doesnt usually wake up in the night so I think that once she gets used to it, she will be fine!

* I didnt take a picture last night because once she went to sleep finally I was afraid turning the light on would wake her up and I would have to start all over again!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Picture

...Image in Mirror is less "challenged" than it may appear...

I took the girls pictures on the swing at Megans the other day for the sole purpose of updating the one on my blog. I like this one the best, although with all the "CHEESSEEEE"ing going on, Cassidy looks well...(lets be politically correct here)...

All that aside, I thought it captures their personalities and constant movement the best. :)

Night 1 Prognosis: 1/2 Good!

When I got pregnant with Cassidy, I had good firm intentions of buying a crib and sticking her in it from day one!

But....I put her in her cradle first. ...IN my room.

Then....In my severly sleep deprived state it became an unconscious effort to feed her. I think she did all the work, not sure if I even woke up sometimes...

Finally....After 13 1/2 months, She gave up that last feeding, you know the one in the middle of the night, the unconscious one.

And Then....She became marsupial...You know, "Look Ma, No hands!" Like Superglue! And honestly I didnt mind her sleeping with me at night....She would lay on my chest or my stomach and stretch out so that her feet were, well, kicking Myles! And according to him, ALL NIGHT LONG!

So we decided to put her in her own bed. The crib that I was going to put her in 17 months ago. The first night she only cried for about 30 minutes, maybe a little longer, and then was out. It was heartbreaking but do-able. The next night we are ready! Myles' puts her in her crib and we wait...crying...hysterical screaming...climbing...*THUMP*! Myles picks her up and puts her back in our bed....:)

So all this time, I've been contemplating.

  • Cassidy loves to sleep with someone.

  • Every night, when Emma goes to bed, Cassidy will sneak in there and wake her up by climbing in bed with her.

  • Eventually, Emma and Cassidy will be in the same room.

All this considered, I brought it up to Emma yesterday the idea of Cassidy sleeping with her. She, of course, thought that would be a good idea!

At Bed time, Boogie crawled up there and flipped and flopped and went to sleep. I had to sneak in there and turn the light on so I could get a picture because it was just too cute!

Of course at 1:30 this morning, I heard *THUMP* again...

I think we will move the bed against the wall tonight!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Nerve of Him!

The first thing Emma said when she got in the car after I picked her up from school yesterday was, "Owen said a bad word today!" So I asked her what he said...

After some debating on whether it would get her in trouble if she repeated it, she says: He said, "Why dont you SHUT UP, MOUTH!!" I said, "Thats awful, Emma , Who was he talking to?" There was silence for a moment........................and then I heard an indignant "ME!" from the backseat!

It was all I could do to keep a straight face!

Curvise and Catfish

Emma is quite the artist! Here lately, she has been copying all the words and pictures she looks at. One day last week, she came up to me and said, "look Mom, I can write in curvise!" And actually, if you dont consider the fact that all her letters are smack against each other, she does a pretty good job! Now if she could just learn to say "cursive" instead of "curvise"!
Yesterday morning Emma brought me a picture she drew. I could tell right away what it was...Can You?

DUH! Its a Catfish!!!

Emma tells me that she learned to draw from looking at the pictures I painted. (Little Butt-Kisser!) :)

Of course, She wanted to give the picture to Uncle Frank. He asked her if it was a 40 pounder and she thought about it and said, "Nope, 60!" It's a pretty skinny 60, I thought!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Last week the weather was beautiful! Very fall-like! We recently baled hay and finally got it moved to our house. Emma had to play in the broken hay bale while Myles was moving the others. I thought it made a great picture. Luckily I was able to get a relatively good one in the midst of all her spastic posing!
* Notice she doesnt have glasses on. I got a phone call that day from the school nurse while Emma was still at school saying that her glasses were bent and she was afraid to bend them back. Apparently while Emma was playing basketball, Ryan** bounced the ball "right into her face!", spoken in her bouncy cheerleader voice.

**Names changed to protect the "innocent", or the guilty. After all, it IS always someone else' fault!

Here is another cute one, although not as good as the first. I love this because it shows our old "hay barn". I could sit in that barn for hours. It smells like dirt and hay and history!

And just for fun, I played with the picture. Focal black and white with Emma in color. I dont like it as well though because to me the best part is the green. Green field, grass, trees...It makes me love where I live!

And because I have to show off Cassidy's extreme cuteness...

Chillaxin' in the chair at Ellen's.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bite the Bullet...I'll finally post! Emma's 1st day and My poor little broken baby!

Well, I've been putting this off forever...I'm not sure why it's so complicated. I mean, its not like there is a long lengthy process involved. Just some basic typing. Anyways, there is no way I could actually catch up on everything that has went on since my last post. So we will start at now...

Emma did start school a couple weeks ago. She had a VERY traumatic first day and has since did much better. I'm not going to say that she loves it, but she does ok once she gets there, (I think).

This is Emma on the first day waiting on the school bus. You would never know by this picture that she had been crying and was going to have a TERRIBLE day!

Also, we had the distinct pleasure of taking Cassidy for her first trip to the ER last Sunday! She was playing in the Kia at Dave and Cindy's house and I grabbed her arms and pulled her over the back seat so that we could go inside. She started crying and I assumed that it was because she wanted to play outside. Well it became very obvious very quick that something specific was wrong with her arm. She was crying and screaming and kept grabbing her wrist. Everytime she could get calmed down, she would bump or move her arm and start again, grabbing her wrist. As much as I hated to take her to the ER, I hated for her to be in pain all day until Monday so I decided to take her in. The doctor diagnosed it as not her wrist but her elbow! He called it nursemaids other words, a dislocated elbow! All from me picking her up, I felt so bad. After all, the mom isnt supposed to hurt their kids! I have picked her up that way THOUSANDS of time, swung her around by her hands, put her down on the ground that way, ALL THE TIME! One time and POP! He said to make sure we dont do it anymore because now that it has been out once it could just pop out at the slightest thing. Scary!

*Funny story...We were walking out of the ER and Cassidy is feeling much better, of course. She holds up her hand, cocks her head, and turns her wrist back and forth saying, "Ohhhhh", "Awwwww", "Ohhhhhhh"! Like she just couldnt believe that her arm worked again!