Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Last week the weather was beautiful! Very fall-like! We recently baled hay and finally got it moved to our house. Emma had to play in the broken hay bale while Myles was moving the others. I thought it made a great picture. Luckily I was able to get a relatively good one in the midst of all her spastic posing!
* Notice she doesnt have glasses on. I got a phone call that day from the school nurse while Emma was still at school saying that her glasses were bent and she was afraid to bend them back. Apparently while Emma was playing basketball, Ryan** bounced the ball "right into her face!", spoken in her bouncy cheerleader voice.

**Names changed to protect the "innocent", or the guilty. After all, it IS always someone else' fault!

Here is another cute one, although not as good as the first. I love this because it shows our old "hay barn". I could sit in that barn for hours. It smells like dirt and hay and history!

And just for fun, I played with the picture. Focal black and white with Emma in color. I dont like it as well though because to me the best part is the green. Green field, grass, trees...It makes me love where I live!

And because I have to show off Cassidy's extreme cuteness...

Chillaxin' in the chair at Ellen's.

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