Thursday, September 24, 2009

Night 3 Prognosis: I have no idea!

I really thought that last night would be easy. I really did, I now know that I shouldn't have! Last night, Cassidy was back to wanting to wanting me to lay down. (yes, I know she can't tell me that she wants me to, but when she pats my face until I look at her and then pushes on my shoulder until I am flat on my back...Well, I get the point!) Yada yada yada...It took about an hour for her to go to sleep again last night, but it felt a lot longer!

So what am I to do with myself but take a shower, start the dishwasher, do some laundry, read a book, go check on the girls about 20 times, stay up too late...

I am just drifting off to sleep at about 11:30 when here comes Cassidy. Since it was still "early" I took her back to Emma's bed and laid her down again. All the while trying not to go to sleep myself. At 1:30, I wake up (that didn't work did it) and go back to my bed. At 3:30 here comes Cassidy again. At 4:30 here comes Emma, telling me to scoot over. At 5:30 I realize that Emma has cuddled up right next to my back and.....PEED! She doesnt do this very often, but then again I usually make her go if she wakes up to get in my bed...Last night I was brain dead, I guess. So I get up and change my clothes, and Emma's. Strip the sheets off half of the bed and put a towel down to keep the sheets from rolling up all the way over to Myles' side (Where Cassidy was now sleeping). Emma and I go lay down in her room for awhile because ITS ALMOST TIME TO GET UP! (wahhh!) I crawl out of bed at 6:15 after listening to my alarm in my ear for 15 minutes. Only because Myles called me from the other room (?!?!?!?! I have no idea why he wouldn't just yell or get up or something) and told me to get up!

Anywhoo....I'm going to say it didnt go all that great, but I'm just too dang tired to give you a fraction!

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