Friday, September 11, 2009

Curvise and Catfish

Emma is quite the artist! Here lately, she has been copying all the words and pictures she looks at. One day last week, she came up to me and said, "look Mom, I can write in curvise!" And actually, if you dont consider the fact that all her letters are smack against each other, she does a pretty good job! Now if she could just learn to say "cursive" instead of "curvise"!
Yesterday morning Emma brought me a picture she drew. I could tell right away what it was...Can You?

DUH! Its a Catfish!!!

Emma tells me that she learned to draw from looking at the pictures I painted. (Little Butt-Kisser!) :)

Of course, She wanted to give the picture to Uncle Frank. He asked her if it was a 40 pounder and she thought about it and said, "Nope, 60!" It's a pretty skinny 60, I thought!

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