Monday, October 12, 2009

25 revelations about myself

12. I am not an affectionate person except with my kids. I can’t stand to be all touchy feely. I did not use to be this way.

Actually, Ellen and Jonathan are the same way. Grandma is pretty much the only one that can get away with hugging and kissing us! :) When Myles and I got together it was a big adjustment for me because they are a very affectionate family. Always hugging before they leave and telling each other they love them, and my family just doesnt do that! Not that we dont love each other, it just is never said. Anyways, I have adjusted and I can handle being hugged and all now!

Also wanted welcome little Sophia Elise to the world today! Congratulations JD and Erin, Drew, Jazlyn, and Emma! From what I can tell, her little cheeks tell a lie! They were telling me at least 9lbs and JD says she only weighs 8lbs 1oz!

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