Friday, October 23, 2009

25 revelations about myself

20. I am an extremely unorganized person but find that with each child I improve a little bit.

No really, I am horrible! But I am somewhat improving! For Example:

  1. Emma's school papers are all in one spot. Granted that is in a stack on top of our filing cabinet inside our closet. Hey at least they are in one spot and out of site!

  2. My kids have a "regular" bedtime routine. I use the "s because regular for us means that it is just an improvement on our previous habits. Such as Emma actually has a general bedtime now. She used to just go to bed whenever we did. And Cassidy has to go to sleep in her own bed, or I should say, Emma's bed.
  3. My clean socks are now in one general basket instead of scattered throughout the rest of the clean laundry that is waiting to be folded (or worn, whichever comes first).

Ahh...Its the little things that make me feel structured!

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