Monday, October 5, 2009

25 revelations about myself

8. I really would have loved to be an art teacher but unfortunately you have to be an artist first and teacher second. I just wanted to teach kids to love art and express themselves through it.

Pretty self-explanatory. Wait for #9 if you have questions.

**Funny story about this weekend**

We took Emma TPing for the first time! It was great, I had to stay in the car with Cassidy, so Ellen was keeping an eye on her. You know, keeping her off the dark road and making sure she hid in the bean fields at the appropriate times. I laughed so hard just watching from the car, it was hilarious! I really had my doubts that Emma could be quiet enough to go TPing but she didn't do too bad. The first place we went, Emma and Ellen are walking back to the car and Emma says in a stage whisper, "I tied a bow around his tree with toilet paper". Of course, Emma was worried about the aesthetics of the toilet paper arranging! She was starting to get a little freaked out because the other kids kept talking about people coming out of the house to shoot them but apparently she got over it pretty quick! At the next house, Emma and all the others are walking up to the house and they are talking about how so-and-so is going to come out of the house with a gun. Emma says(in her southern girl drawl), "Nuh-Uh, So-and-so likes me! But she don't like nobody else!"

If you only knew how close to the truth that is!

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