Friday, October 2, 2009

25 revelations about myself

Today's Revelation
Pay close attention these next few days. 6, 7, 8, and 9 are very closely related and best understood when read one after the other. I was going to put them on here all at once and then I thought, No, I might run out of things to write about one day and wish I had more irrelevant verbal vomit.

7. I really hated college but wish that I had chosen a more useful degree choice.

I realize that I could go back and start again...I just cant make myself mark off 3 whole years of my life as a waste. However, I know that I will never finish the first degree that I started, more on that to come. Not to mention the first 2 years were completely paid for and well...I definitely wouldn't be getting any scholarships or pell money this time around! Also, have I ever mentioned how badly teenage girls annoy me!

This brings me to a completely unrelated story:
I was at the drivers facility yesterday and this girl is in there with her mom. I'm guessing her to be about 16. Anyways she was on the phone the ENTIRE time I was in there and her mom just kept rolling her eyes at her because she was talking so loud and so much. Finally, I was getting ready to leave and I hear this girl say in all her gum chomping, braces wearing, finger snapping, head shaking, hot pink, unashamed glory; "Hey, Josh likes Erica K*****. Spread it! Really, Spread it! I want it on the buses, grade school, middle school AND high school! Spread it! For real! Spread it!"

I dont think I have ever witnessed such a thing!

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