Monday, October 19, 2009

25 revelations about myself

17. I love my husband but my wedding day was the most miserable, exhausting, irritating and uncomfortable day of my life. I bit Myles’ finger HARD when he was doing the cake thing because he started to shove it in my face but then again I was pregnant and bitchy too!

Myles and I. September 13, 2003
I loved my flowers, they were beautiful!

One little piece of advice that I like to pass on to engaged couples....Go to the Courthouse! My mom gets a little defensive when I mention how much I hated my wedding (Understandable, after all she did foot the bill.) However, it wasn't so much the wedding I hated; that was pretty, loved the cake and the flowers, the outdoor set-up, etc. It was more like, the awful uncomfortable dress, being in front of all those people, making small talk, smiling all the dang time, etc.

The Cake.
It was amazing. Frannie made it, so of course it tasted good. And the flowers were awesome, when I envisioned the cake with all the roses I had this picture in my mind. It turned out completely different and so much better than I ever imaged!

The Kiss.
I have always hated pictures of people kissing. Not sure why, just one of my little quirks. I guess it just seems intrusive to me. I put this picture on here to show the gazebo and the flowers. I did like that, it was simple but still pretty.

The Wedding Party.
It's a little blurry, I couldn't seem to find a good one.

** A funny story from my wedding: (see there was a bright spot!) I remember standing in the room getting dressed and I could see the groomsmen out behind the house, hiding and sneaking whiskey. Clayton ran off to go pee, and then they stand there awhile longer and he goes off to pee again, then again! I could see him pulling at his tie and sweating...then he says, "Man, I don't know why but I am nervous!" To this day I associate being nervous with peeing because of Clay.
Also, Bologna was riding horses with Myles and the groomsmen that day. He had his old horse, Kim, and her baby with him. They had been drinking all day and Bologna was trashed. In fact, he never got off his horse even during the ceremony. I'm not sure he could've gotten back on. Anyways, I remember looking out there and seeing my mom's dad walking across the yard to go talk "horse" with Bologna, and cringing because here was my prim and proper grandpa with good intentions going out to talk to the drunk guy who wouldn't get off his horse! Such a conflicting pair!

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